Our Associates

Headshot of Justin C. Lindahl

Justin Lindahl, Financial Adviser through Eagle Strategies LLC, A Registered Investment Advisor, owns and operates Lindahl Financial Group. He has over 10 years of experience within the insurance and financial services field working with both individuals and businesses. He is a graduate of The University of Delaware where he earned a degree in business administration and marketing. He is a Retirement Income Certified Professional (RICP®) and has his Certification in Long-term Care (CLTC®).

Justin holds the following licenses:

  • FINRA Series 7

  • FINRA Series 66

  • FINRA Series 6

  • FINRA Series 63 

  • Life & Health Insurance

Justin is a member of The Madison Rotary Club and The New Haven Old Black Rugby Football Club.

He lives in Stamford with his wife Veronica and their son Owen.

Website: www.lindahlfg.com